Follow these social media best practices to make your accounts shine!
Post to your social media accounts daily or, at the least, weekly.
Answer people’s questions promptly and adequately. It is the responsibility of the account holder to monitor social media accounts for such questions.
Create engaging and diverse content. Use a mix of text, images, videos, links, and interactive elements to keep followers interested
Share relevant news and updates. Post about university events, academic achievements, research breakthroughs, and other topics that enhance UL Lafayette’s presence.
Encourage open discussion. Foster meaningful conversations that align with the university’s mission while respecting diverse viewpoints.
Write platform-specific content. Adapt your messaging to fit the tone and expectations of each social platform.
As a user of social media, pay attention to messages that generate good responses and lively discussions on the pages and accounts you like to visit. Use those posts as models for constructing your own.
Use official UL Lafayette-issued profile photos, etc., for your professional social media accounts. Follow the established guidelines for their use.
Posts should include information that is as complete and accurate as possible and that is valuable to your followers/readers. Double-check facts before posting and correct any errors transparently.
Keep your posts friendly and engaging, just like your face-to-face interactions. Social media is an extension of the university’s personality—be informative, warm, and professional.
If a member of the news media contacts you because of something you posted, notify the UL Lafayette Office of Communications and Marketing. Our media laiaison will provide guidance on how to answer.
Whenever possible, link back to the UL Lafayette website. Ideally, posts should be brief; redirecting a visitor to content that resides within When linking to a news article about the university, check first to see whether you can link to a release on instead of to an external publication or other media outlet.
Posts on social media sites should protect UL Lafayette’s institutional voice by remaining professional in tone and in good taste.
- Do not delete or hide comments simply for disagreement – As a public institution, UL Lafayette must respect First Amendment protections on official pages. Only remove content that contains threats, obscenity (as legally defined), spam, or clear policy violations.
- Do not repost negative comments to correct them – amplifying misinformation can backfire. Instead, use comments or direct messages to provide factual corrections.
Do not engage in arguments or vent frustrations when you are using social media professionally. Communicate respectfully and positively with your contacts.
Do not use overly bureaucratic or jargon-heavy language – keep messaging accessible and engaging.
Do not block users just for being critical – blocking should only be used for spam, harassment, threats, or repeated policy violations, not for expressing opposing viewpoints.
Do not endorse commercial products or political campaigns – University accounts should remain neutral and avoid unauthorized promotions.
Do not share confidential or private information – Respect FERPA, HIPAA, and university policies regarding student, faculty, and staff privacy.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss social media in more depth, contact the UL Lafayette social media strategist Amy Windsor at or via Microsoft Teams.